ASIA PACIFIC Forced to Flee Radiation, Fearful Japanese Villagers Are Reluctant to Return By MARTIN FACKLERAPRIL 27, 2014 Photo “The government and the media say the radiation has been cleaned up, but it’s all lies,” said Miyakoji villager Kim Eunja, with her husband, Satoshi Mizuochi. CreditKo Sasaki for The New York Times MIYAKOJI, Japan — […]
The Latest News FUKUSHIMA UPDATE nuclear news from japan ABE’S NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE IGNORES STIFF OPPOSITION JULY 13, 2014 by Jeff Kingston / Japan Times / June 28, 2014 /Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s (pictured) nuclear renaissance involves downplaying risks, restarting reactors, building new ones, and exporting reactor technology and equipment. A number of hurdles remain before he can rev up […] NELSON GROOM JOURNALISTIC ENDEAVOURS VICE: A JAPANESE PHYSICIAN IS ENCOURAGING THE EVACUATION OF TOKYO February 14, 2014 VICE Magazine Online In 2011 a tandem earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, becoming the world’s costliest natural disaster. Three years later, with a death toll at nearly 20,000, the need for international relief still plagues their economy. But perhaps […] NBCNEWS Japan Tells Fukushima Residents Area Will be Safe by 2021 Residents who abandoned their homes after Japan’s catastrophic Fukushima nuclear disaster will be able to return in 2021, according to government estimates reported on Tuesday. A team in charge of helping victims of the disaster say that cleanup efforts and “natural decontamination […]
Must see video on the effects of Fukushima
This Video Is Shocking The Entire World. Everyone Needs To See This! In 2011, an earthquake caused a tsunami that killed nearly 16,000 people in Japan and caused an estimated 210 billion dollars in damage, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in history. When a Fukushima power plant was hit by the […] US firm hired to save Fukushima from 400k tons of radioactive water Published time: June 10, 2014 19:51 Men wearing protective suits and masks work in front of welding storage tanks for radioactive water, under construction in the J1 area at the Tokyo Electric Power Co’s (TEPCO) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in […]
Everyday Exposure to Radiation Everyday Exposure to Radiation What do you do on a normal day? Regardless of what you do on a typical day, go to school, work, or stay home, in each case you are being exposed to radiation. Whether you know it or not you are being exposed to radioactivity everyday of your life. […]
Apple pectin used for radiation protection Apple pectin used for radiation protection after Chernobyl Wednesday, April 06, 2011 by: Donna Rae Tags: apple pectin, radiation, health news (NaturalNews) Apple pectin is a dietary fiber supplement that is often used to maintain powerful digestive health. It is also known as fruit pectin. Purchased in powder form, apple pectin becomes a gelatinous, or jelly-like, […]
CDC – Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS): A Fact Sheet for the Public Possible Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure And Contamination Medical Countermeasures (Treatments) For Radiation Exposure And Contamination Health Information For Specific Groups Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), or radiation sickness, is a serious illness that can happen when a person is exposed to very high levels of radiation, […]
The Fukushima Redzone – CNN Breaking News
A top researcher in Japan says TEPCO underestimated the damage at Fukushima, reports CNN’s Will Ripley.