Post-Fukushima, Japan’s favourite monster may never go home again BY ELAINE LIES TOKYO Wed May 14, 2014 12:57pm IST A tourist bus passes a statue of movie monster Godzilla in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX forecourt on Hollywood Boulevard in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles, California, May 9, 2014. CREDIT: REUTERS/DAVID MCNEW […]
The Latest News Fukushima’s Cesium-137 levels ‘50% higher’ than previously estimated Published time: May 10, 2014 10:46 This handout picture taken by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) on April 13, 2014 shows leakage of radioactive water from a plastic tank (yellow) at TEPCO’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant at Okuma in Fukushima prefecture. (AFP Photo) The amount […]
Fukushima’s Taiwan Fallout FUKUSHIMA UPDATE nuclear news from japan FUKUSHIMA’S TAIWAN FALLOUT MAY 7, 2014 Translator via Wall Street Journal / May 6, 2014 / Three years after the meltdown at Fukushima, the future of nuclear energy in East Asia is coming into view. Voters everywhere remain jittery about safety, but Japan and South Korea continue to invest in […] More radiation in some Oregon tuna following Fukushima Tracy Loew, (Salem, Ore.) Statesman Journal8:54 p.m. EDT April 28, 2014 Though cesium levels have tripled, the tuna is still safe to eat, researchers say. (Photo: Courtesy of OSU Radiation Health) SHARE 130CONNECT 79TWEET 1COMMENTEMAILMORE Radiation in some albacore tuna caught off the Oregon coast tripled after the […]
Fukushima Accident Updates Fukushima Accident Updates April 21, 2014 The repopulation of the Miyakoji district continues as a hot topic with the Japanese Press. The public release of new radiation exposure measurements followed repopulation and seems too convenient to most media outlets. Since the measurements were taken in September and the results compiled in October […] Tokyo’s Fukushima radiation lies are ‘killing children’ – former mayor Published time: April 21, 2014 14:03 Get short URL Students walk near a geiger counter, measuring a radiation level of 0.12 microsievert per hour, at Omika Elementary School, located about 21 km (13 miles) from the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in […] FUKUSHIMA UPDATE nuclear news from japan ESTIMATED RADIATION DOSES OF FUKUSHIMA RETURNEES WITHHELD FOR HALF A YEAR APRIL 16, 2014 Translator By Shinichi Sekine and Miki Aoki / Asahi Shimbun / April 16, 2014 / The Japanese government withheld findings on estimated radiation exposure for Fukushima returnees for six months, even though levels exceeded the long-term target […] FUKUSHIMA UPDATE nuclear news from japan TEPCO SAYS IT’S RUNNING OUT OF ROOM TO STORE CONTAMINATED DEBRIS AT FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI APRIL 9, 2014 via / April 8, 2014 / Engineers from Tokyo Electric held discussions with officials from the Japanese government on Monday where they communicated that they are running out of room to store […]
Health Effects of Ozone & Particle Pollution Health Effects of Ozone and Particle Pollution Air Pollution Remains a Major Danger to the Health of Children and Adults – Click to Enlarge – Ozone and particle pollution are the most widespread air pollutants—and among the most dangerous. 1 These two pollutants threaten the health and the lives of millions of Americans. Thanks to […]
Measuring Radioactive Elements and Their Effects on Human Cells By DENISE GRADY Published: April 4, 2011 The damaged nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan have been releasing radioactive elements into the air and water around the plant. Those elements are dangerous because they are made up of atoms with unstable centers, or […]