Reaction Time as a Predictor of Mortality: The Radiation Effects Research Foundation Adult Health Study Michiko Yamada, MD, Masaki Shimizu, MD, Fumiyoshi Kasagi, PhD and Hideo Sasaki, MD + Author Affiliations From the Department of Clinical Studies (M.Y., M.S., H.S.), Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan; Tokai Hokuriku Regional Bureau of Health […]
The Latest News 4 September 2013 Last updated at 04:55 ET Radiation levels hit new high near Fukushima water tanks Tepco faces a major challenge to safely store contaminated water at Fukushima Continue reading the main story Related Stories Japan to fund Fukushima ‘ice wall’ Q&A: Fukushima leak problems At the source of Fukushima’s waterWatch Radiation levels around tanks […]
Nuclear Chief Masao Yoshida Dies 9 July 2013 Last updated at 23:34 ET Fukushima nuclear chief Masao Yoshida dies Masao Yoshida, centre, had worked for Tepco for since 1979 Continue reading the main story Related Stories Water leak at Fukushima nuclear plant IAEA urges Fukushima improvements Fukushima radioactive water ‘leak’ Masao Yoshida, the Fukushima nuclear chief who led efforts to stabilise […]
Fukushima Radiation Leaks Reach Deadly New High Fukushima radiation leaks reach deadly new high Exposure to emissions would be fatal within hours, say Japanese authorities, as race to build frozen wall begins Staff of Japan’s nuclear regulator near storage tanks for radioactive water at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Photograph: EPA The crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has radiation leaks strong enough to deliver […] Radioactive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off California Coast August 24, 2013 | Filed under: Energy,Environment,Headliner,Health,News,Uncategorized | Posted by: Ann Werner Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one. Over a year ago, in May of 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported on a Stanford University study. […]
www_bbc_co_uk_news_science_environment_23779561_utm_campaign SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT Fukushima leak is ‘much worse than we were led to believe’ By Matt McGrathEnvironment correspondent, BBC News Rupert Wingfield-Hayes travels to the source of the water being contaminated by Fukushima A nuclear expert has told the BBC that he believes the current water leaks at Fukushima are much worse […]
BBC News – Japan Taking Steps at Fukushima? ASIA 23 July 2013 Last update Fukushima nuclear plant: Japan takes steps over sea leak The crippled Fukushima plant has faced water leaks and power cuts in recent months Japan says it is taking steps to prevent contaminated water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant leaking into the sea. The plant’s operator recently admitted for […]
www_independent_co_uk_news_world_asia_with_fukushima_nuclear News > World > Asia With Fukushima nuclear plant still leaking, Japan clean-up bill soars to $50bn Many are sceptical that government-led effort will make area habitable again DAVID MCNEILL TOKYO WEDNESDAY 24 JULY 2013 Japanese researchers say the cost of cleaning up from the Fukushima nuclear disaster could top $50bn (£32.6bn), more than four times the amount […]
Pollution Leads to Drop in Life Span
Pollution Leads to Drop in Life Span in Northern China, Research Finds European Pressphoto Agency A cyclist in Beijing. A reliance on coal in the north of China has had widespread health effects. By EDWARD WONG Published: July 8, 2013 BEIJING — Southern Chinese on average have lived at least five years longer than their northern […] 60,000 in Tokyo protest government plans to restart nuclear power posted on JUNE 3, 2013 by ADAM WESTLAKE in FEATURES, NATIONAL with 130 COMMENTS Approximately 60,000 people rallied in Japan’s capital ofTokyo on Sunday, June 2nd in order to protest recent government plans to restart the country’s idled nuclear reactors. People gathered in Shiba Park and later […]