Radioactive cesium-137 from Fukushima now detected off coast of Canada Monday, September 28, 2015 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer Tags: Fukushima, cesium-137, nuclear power (NaturalNews) The first radioactive material from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster has now been detected in the coastal waters of North America, according to a study conducted by researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic […]
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FINAL REPORT September 2015 CENTRE D’ETUDE ET DE VALORISATION DES ALGUES PRESQU’ILE DE PEN-LAN – B.P.3 – F- 22610 PLEUBIAN TEL : +33 (0) 2 96 229.350 – FAX : +33 (0)2 96 228 438 ALGUE@CEVA.FR — WWW.CEVA.FR 1. Recall VitaPro is a company selling a patented formulation of pharmaceutical grade apple pectin […]
Air Pollution In Asia Data Source: World Health Organization Air Pollution In Asia Air pollution is a major environmental issue affecting people across the world. According to the World Health Organisation(WHO), more than 2 million people worldwide die every year from air pollution. Of all the air pollutants, fine particulate matter (PM) is one of the most hazardous […] Global Research Fukushima Radiation: 800 Tera Becquerel of Cesium-137 to Reach West Coast of North America by 2016: Researcher By Global Research News Global Research, June 08, 2015 Shanghai Daily 30 April 2015 About 800 tera becquerel of Cesium- 137 is going to reach West Coast of North America by 2016, equivalent to 5 percent of […] HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT NEWS›HONG KONG›HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT Health warning issued as Hong Kong air pollution expected to hit ‘serious’ levels Health alert issued as pollution hits ‘very high’ levels in busy districts PUBLISHED : Monday, 06 July, 2015, 7:34pm UPDATED : Tuesday, 07 July, 2015, 2:41am Chris The Environmental Protection Department is warning […]
Can Hanoi tame its pollution nightmare? CAN HANOI TAME ITS POLLUTION NIGHTMARE, THE MOTORBIKE? OCTOBER 9, 2014 In Vietnam’s capital Hanoi, bicycles have almost entirely given way to motorcycles as the preferred mode of transport. In recent years, electric bicycles and e-scooters are becoming increasingly popular in the cities. In 2014, the Environmental Performance Index again ranked Vietnam among the […] China air pollution far worse than thought: Study Robert Ferris | @RobertoFerris Tuesday, 18 Aug 2015 | 1:54 PM 1.0K SHARES The air in Beijing is so polluted that breathing it does as much damage to the lungs as smoking 40 cigarettes a day, says a new study. Fred Dufour | AFP | […] Scary Mutant Flowers Growing Near Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Jesse Herman July 22, 2015 It has been four years since the disaster at the Japan Fukushima nuclear power plant and the effects are still being calculated. Among these effects are deformed daisies. This is not the first report of strange, freaky things happening […]
Forest fire blazes in Chernobyl off-limits zone Published: Tuesday, 6/30/2015 Forest fire blazes in Chernobyl off-limits zone ASSOCIATED PRESS KIEV, Ukraine — Fire has engulfed a large section of the exclusion zone around the destroyed Chernobyl plant in Ukraine, Ukrainian authorities said today. It was unclear if the blaze has hit parts of the zone heavily contaminated by radiation from the […] Radiation spikes after wildfire in Chernobyl exclusion zone Published time: July 02, 2015 00:23 Edited time: July 02, 2015 13:40 A general view shows of the sarcophagus covering the damaged fourth reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, northern Ukraine. (Reuters / Gleb Garanich) Download video (20.08 MB) Ukrainian nuclear inspectors have measured a significant […]